Paste from Beatriz Treloar's Fish & Seafood Cookbook


Seafood paste, Italian style

  • scallops, 6, with coral
  • prawns, cooked, 12, small, bought shell on, shells removed
  • garlic, ½ clove, peeled and sliced
  • good olive oil, 3 good glugs
  • coriander, fresh, rough chopped, with stalks, 1 handful

2 portions

First you’re going to flavour the oil with the coriander and garlic to get a melded taste rather than individual flavours; take a bowl and put the oil, garlic and coriander in it, stir well, then put cling over and leave to meld overnight in the fridge, or for at least 4 – 5 hours. Stir occasionally, and before use, remove the coriander and garlic from the oil by straining well.

Take a wok or medium sized saucepan and place over a medium heat; when hot add the oil and get it sizzling, then add the scallops and prawns. Stir well, crush every few minutes with the back of a fork and reduce until the mixture is quite thick. This will take around 30 minutes.

Put all the ingredients into a blender and blitz. You’ll end up with a beautifully orange paste which you should remove from the blender, put in a small bowl and allow to cool.

Spread the seafood paste on hot toast or flat bread or serve as a dip with raw vegetables.

Goes well alongside the intriguing and delicious cod paste.

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